Workshop on modelling interaction
On Tuesday 28th of March CDM is organizing a short workshop on modelling interaction between air pollution and climate change: N and C. The workshop will take place in Prague in the 9:30 – 12:30 of the first day of the ICP M&M TF meeting, at the same venue as the TF meeting.
Background and goals of the workshop
Modelling the effects of N on ecosystems including biodiversity has many challenges and many that remains to be resolved. The issue is further complicated by climate change. The interaction between C and N is crucial but not well-enough captured by the models. The workshop aims at summarizing recent insights based on data, model development and remaining challenges.
Who might benefit from participating
The workshop is aimed at experts from communities concerned with modelling, monitoring & data collection on nitrogen, biodiversity, air pollution and climate change. We aim at experts involved in the work of NFCs for ICP M&M or at any other experts working with these topics in projects not related to CLRTAP, such as the Czech-Norwegian project CatchCaN.
How to get involved
For those who have not been contacted by CDM already and would like to participate in the workshop please email us at CDM@IVL.SE and we will provide you with further details.
We look forward to seeing you in Prague!
Filip Moldan and Sara Jutterström, CDM